Saturday, January 17, 2009

First full day in Japan.

Finally, we got to our destination at Sunset Breeze Hota in Chiba, where we spent 5 days. This is where I slept.

Patty, Jamie and I by the sunset.

Amazing view of the sunset from the observation tower.

A better view of the Buddha.

After visiting the preserved village, we went to see the largest stone Buddha in Japan. This was in Chiba.

A village story teller was telling tales of samurais and mythical creatures.

I ate a rice preparation with fish eggs and seaweed, and Jamie had dough balls covered in sweet syrup.

Children and women were wearing kimonos due to the new year's celebration.

Small children were playing with all the sports equipment there. Because it was a new year's celebration, everything was very child-friendly.

Before entering the preserved village houses, we had to take our shoes off.

There was an area in the preserved village with stilts, racket ball and many other sports activities.

On our first day in Japan we went to the Chiba Prefectural Museum, which is really a preserved village.

My first day of eating what I basically ate for the entire trip. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nandini! I like your blog and pictures. Say hi to David Di Lillo for me!
